What is OCPN?

The Orlando Church Planting Network is a network of churches working together to saturate our city with healthy, Gospel-centered churches.

Our vision is to see the greater Orlando Metro and surrounding Central Florida community saturated with healthy, gospel-centered churches that actively reach the unchurched and de-churched in our city. Our vision includes partnering with other churches along the way, reaching across denominational lines to unify around our shared mission of seeing God glorified by all peoples in Orlando.

The Orlando Church Planting Network offers a community of churches that are unified around one vision: to see Orlando saturated with healthy, gospel-centered churches, especially ones that serve the unchurched and de-churched in our city. We empower churches of all sizes to act upon their desire to plant more churches and multiply their impact in planting churches; and we equip church planters to reach the unchurched and de-churched through healthy churches that are planted by healthy leaders.


We meet monthly to share about church planting, and how God is at work in the greater Orlando area. Our monthly gatherings provide a space for us to inspire and cultivate a shared vision and commitment to saturate Central Florida with Gospel-centered, Missional churches.

Planter Development

We offer two different church planting residencies for prospective church planters. Our aim is to prepare leaders to plant healthy, gospel-centered churches. These residencies provide prospective church planters with experiential learning environments designed to produce holistically-prepared leaders who are part of a city-wide movement of God’s Kingdom throughout Orlando.

Foundational Residency - Training Program designed for those that are exploring a potential call to church planting. Residents are introduced to basic church planting competencies and helped to deepen their self-awareness of these needed skills. Residents will discern their call to church planting while growing a heart for the vision of collaborating together to plant churches. 


  • Spiritual Development - Growing in your devotion to Jesus and strengthening your spiritual disciplines.

  • Personal Development - Growing in your personal calling, relationships, and maturity.

  • Missional Development - Growing your heart for people far from God and as an active participant in God’s mission.

  • Leadership Development - Growing in your understanding of leadership and application of what you are learning in your current ministry context.

Finishing Residency - Residency designed for those who have proven ministry and leadership experience, demonstrated a calling to plant a church, and are around 12-18 months from launching a new church plant. This residency will help church planters develop concrete church planting, leadership, and ministry skills as they work towards designing and implementing the formation and launch of a contextualized new church plant.


  • Spiritual Vitality

  • Missional Lifestyle

  • Marriage & Family 

  • Theological Clarity

  • Spiritual Maturity

  • Developing & Multiplying Disciples

  • Calling & Context

  • Catalytic Leadership

  • Preaching & Communication

  • Entrepreneurial Aptitude


Meet The Planters 2023